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Patient's Information
PF8653 Dr. Hetal Patel & Associates
Woodbridge Piazza Del Sole, 110 Windflower Gate Unit G4, Woodbridge, CAN L4L 9K8, (905)850-0944
Doctor Info
Dr. Hetal Patel, Biomedical Science Degree with a minor in Biology
Doctor of Optometry Degree
Ontario Association of Optometrist
College of Optometrist of Ontario
Dr. Hetal Patel, Biomedical Science Degree with a minor in Biology Doctor of Optometry Degree Ontario Association of Optometrist College of Optometrist of Ontario
University of Waterloo Illinois College of Optometry

Doctor Biography
In her spare time
Dr. Patel practices yoga
loves to travel and spend time with her family and friends.

After completing her Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Waterloo, Dr. Patel went on to Illinois College of Optometry and earned her Doctorate of Optometry degree. Dr. Patel trained with Ophthalmologist in New Jersey and Connecticut where she was trained in Ocular Disease treatment and Management at the Omni Eye Centre and Newington Veterans Affair Hospital respectively. She completed her Cornea and Contract lens rotation at the Daytona Eye Clinic. Lastly she developed her clinical skills in Pediatric and Binocular Vision Therapy working with children and special needs patient at the Illinois Eye Institute.
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Woodbridge Piazza Del Sole

110 Windflower Gate Unit G4

Woodbridge, ON L4L 9K8


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Woodbridge Piazza Del Sole

110 Windflower Gate Unit G4

Woodbridge, ON L4L 9K8


Patient's Information
