PearleViews FAQs
Genuine eye care in your neighbourhood

What is the cost to my company and employees and their families?
PEARLEViews is available at no cost to your company or to employees and their families.
Why should I sign up for PEARLEViews now?
The program is easy to implement and allows companies to offer a vision program to employees and their families at no cost! Sign up for PEARLEViews and you will receive brochures and wallet cards for your employees to start saving on eyewear today! There is no commitment to buy your eyewear at Pearle Vision, but members are eligible to save significantly by making a purchase at Pearle Vision.
What is in it for Pearle Vision?
PearleViews is a way for Pearle Vision to build relationships with companies within the community and bring PearleViews members into the surrounding locations.
Can PEARLEViews be combined with another vision benefit plan?
It cannot be combined with any other vision benefit plan, however Pearle Vision accepts most vision insurance plans. If your company already has a vision plan, check with your neighbourhood Pearle Vision EyeCare Centre to see if it accepts your company's current plan.
Can employees who don't have vision coverage take advantage of the program? (union/employee) (current vision coverage for employee only, not family members)
The program needs to be offered to a complete "class" of employee. So if you have unionized contractors who have coverage already, they can be excluded, but all your full-time employees must be offered the program. You also can choose to offer this to only full-time and not part-time employees. The program offers coverage to entire families (not just employees), so if an employee shares a card with family members, they could use the benefit.